Shower panel is making noises / strange noises

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The temperature display can be powered by hydro or by 2 AA batteries. When there is water running, the motor inside the diverter valve spins to generate power for the display, which creates the noise. If the noise is very loud, it is possible that there is some debris such as rust piece got into the motor part. In this case, replacing the motor will fix the issue. To change the motor, please kindly refer to the following steps and the attached picture:


1) Please notice that this can be done without disconnecting hot/cold water hose. Simply shut off the water, drain the water in the pipe, and put a dry towel around the diverter to absorb water

2) Disconnect the wire and use a wrench to open the cover

3) Take out the cover, the motor, and the plastic housing inside


4) Put the replacement part you received inside

5) Screw the cover back and use a wrench to tighten it



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