8 Best Plants To Have In Your Bathroom

Apart from upping the aesthetics of your bathroom, plants offer an array of health benefits to homeowners. Not only do plants improve the air quality of our bathroom space, but they even absorb excess moisture in the air and prevent the growth of any bacteria that may be present. There are also several studies that reveal that plants can help reduce anxiety and stress while also increasing energy. 

Of course, not every plant will be good for your bathroom’s decor and for your well-being so it’s best to only go for the ones that are. And that’s why we’ve put this lovely article together to give you a good head start:

1. Asparagus Fern

This lacy, airy asparagus fern enjoys the humidity from your shower. It especially thrives best in bright or moderate light, so a place by the window sill would be quite fitting. One word of advice, however, is that although these ferns may appear soft to the touch, their stems have thorns, so it’s best to keep your hands at a distance. 

2. Aloe Vera

If you’re a frequent spa person, then you have seen a bunch of aloe vera plants in pots around the place. That’s because this plant has a bunch of medicinal properties that do our health plenty of good. The juices within the aloe vera are teeming with minerals and vitamins, whereas the gel can be applied topically on burns, minor cuts, dry skin, insect bites and more. So if you’re interested, you can place the plant close to your bathroom window and due to it not needing much water, humidity is its only means of sustenance. 

3. Begonia

Most species of Begonia can grow fine within containers and also thrive in the humidity and warmth of bathroom shelves. The rex begonias, in particular, have vibrant colors and can grow indoors. They also appreciate low or indirect light. 

4. Bamboo

Bamboo is another plant that needs only a little or indirect light. What’s more, is that it doesn’t even need any soil to grow because all you need to do is put it in a container that has nothing other than water and some pebbles. But be sure to change the water every two to four weeks. 

One thing you should be aware of is that this plant grows fast. Though you can prevent the rate of its growth by either putting it on a recessed shelf or regularly shaping it. 

5. Cast Iron Plant 

The reason behind this plant’s name is that it is very hard to kill. And it can be tough enough to be used as a ground cover when fully grown into the ground. Also, it is a low-maintenance plant so you need not worry about watering it every now and then. Cast-iron plants also thrive well in indirect or low light. 

6. Orchids

Orchids are regarded as tropical plants that enjoy heavy, humid climates. And they can get just that with the indoor airflow of your bathroom, especially if you love steamy showers. They also appreciate low, indirect sunlight, so placing them by the windowsill is the only way to keep them happy in their wet environment. 

7. Bromeliads

These brightly-colored plants are part of a family that consists of thousands of species. Despite varying in care depending on the specific type of species you pick, many bromeliads that are taken as houseplants require pretty much the same needs, which is lots of moisture, a temperate indoor climate, and filtered light. 

8. Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese evergreen plant is known as one of the most durable plants that anyone can grow, which is a testament to one of its monikers that is “foolproof.” These plants are known to thrive in moderate to low, or indirect light. Although the evergreen species prefers the warm temperatures and humid conditions of a bathroom, they are flexible enough to tolerate and grow in any environment they please.