10 Products Taking Space in Your Bathroom

Let’s be honest. How long has it been since you last threw any unused or old item occupying space in your bathroom? 

Space is always a concern in a small space, but nowhere is that truer than in the bathroom. It starts small when you go and buy the hair gel that you really liked and wanted to try. Then some days or weeks later, you get yourself a new face wash that you wanted to try. Before you realize it, your bathroom is filled with items you simply do not need or use. While it may be hard dumping perfectly good unused items, it might be the time to check out the 10 products taking space in your bathroom.

1. Spa and Bath Gift Sets

Let’s admit it, we all have that one well-meaning friend who gets you a gift set full of fancy bath and spa items… that you are most likely never to use! Whether they are expensive bath items or spa gifts, you know you already have products that work well with your body chemistry. No matter who gifted you the Spa and Bath set, if you are never going to use it, get rid of it. If you do not like throwing away items, you can always re-gift it. There is absolutely no shame in it.

2. Expired or Old Medications

There are so many medicines we buy when we are sick. Once we get better and the medicines serve their purpose, they end up piling up on our bathroom cabinet collecting dust. Get rid of them. Go through your medicine cabinet, anything that is old and expired put it in a bag and take it to your nearest pharmacy for them to dispose of it properly. 

3. Contact Lens Cases

Most of the contact lens solution bottle comes with a new contact lens case. They put it there for a reason. So you change your case every three months. Keep the most recent one and throw the rest in the trash.

4. Bathroom towels and Washcloths

Towels are a must but they are the biggest culprit in taking up space in your bathroom. You only need two towels per person, one for use and the other as a backup. So go through your towels and washcloths and find the ones which are worn, have holes or just stink. You can cut these towels to use as rags or donate to a pet shelter. 

5. Travel size Items

These items are ultra-convenient when you are traveling. Some people have a basket full of these in their bathroom.  Once the trip is over, get rid of any remaining travel items you have, and throw away those that are taking space.

6. Cosmetics

Cosmetics, in general, take up quite a lot of space in the bathroom. You get a product that does not work for you and it ends up being in your reject pile which piles up occupying space. Do an honest evaluation. If there is an item you have not used the past few weeks, throw it away or gift it to someone. Depending on its condition.

7. Shower Products

When is the last time you threw away your old razor blades or loofah? You may as well get rid of the old ones now to save a little extra space in your bathroom.

8. Toothbrushes

After replacing your toothbrushes every three months, do you also throw the old one away? Or it ends up lying on the holder for days. Make sure you throw away old toothbrushes to save space and to keep it clean.

9. Failed Hair Products

Everyone loves buying and applying new, better products for their hair. It is no surprise that these hair products are only used once or twice and end up lying around in your bathroom occupying space. Get rid of these to save space in your bathroom.

10. Toilet Brushes

Who does not wants to get rid of their old and gross toilet brushes? As time goes by they collect bacteria. Replace your toilet brushes every year or every 6 months. Although this is not exactly saving space but it is a good way to maintain the cleanliness.

Now the challenge is up to you, give yourself 15 minutes on the clock and challenge yourself to get rid of these 10 items from your bathroom. I can promise you that once you are done, your bathroom will feel so much more spacious, lighter and brighter.