6 Handy Dish Washing Tips

Some people prefer to have automated dishwashers to take care of their dishes after everyone’s had their meals. But some prefer the old-fashioned approach of hand washing their dishes instead. If you fall in the latter category, then this is the post for you.

Here are some of the tips that you can use to leave your dishes looking clean, organized and smelling as fresh as lemon or flowers:

1. Buy a Dish Rack

You can get yourself a pretty sweet dish rack for about $20. However, we recommend getting a bigger one to avoid any overflow. A rack like this will give them space to properly dry up, without having to clutter up your entire countertop.

2. Wear the Proper Gloves

It is imperative that you put on the right pair of gloves when you wash your dishes, otherwise, the chemicals from the dishwashing soap that you use may contaminate your hands. If you’re not careful, you might have to strip the natural oils from your hand. Wearing gloves also keep your hands safe from potential cuts and scrapes while you while the food particles from your dishes.

3. Soak Dishes With Stubborn Stains

Not cleaning dishes as soon as you’re done using them for eating will have them fastening to your plate like a stubborn adhesive. And when you’re dealing with such a dilemma, the most ideal solution would be to soak your dishes in hot soapy water solution. You either use a large bowl for this, or your kitchen basin and just fill it up with hot water. Then all you do is add a couple of drops of the best dish soap in the market and stir the solution. Be sure not to dip your hands into the hot water as it might scald you.

4. Wash With the Hottest Water Tolerable

Hot water is perhaps the most plausible solution to wash and clean dishes as well as a number of other items for a number of reasons. The high temperatures, first of all, can loosen stubborn food particles and stains from your plates. Hot water is also essential in melting away oils and greases that are attached to your dishes.

5. Buy a Good Sponge and Some Dish Washing Tools

A good dishwashing endeavor can only be possible when you have just the right sponge and dishwashing materials available. So it would be best for you to invest in a name-brand sponge, which you can buy from either your local dollar store or a big box store. Just be sure you get a sponge that doesn’t scratch, like the Scotch-Brite ones. You can also use a dish wand where you can put dish liquid right into the handle. Other incredible tools include a dish scrub brush, which doesn’t cling on to bacteria as a sponge would, or even a SKrAPr for the really tough jobs.

6. Don’t Allow Your Dishes to Pile Up

Dishes don’t exactly age very well compared to artisan cheese or fine wine. And to make matters worse, the dish pile is going to expand more and more, while your interest in cleaning and washing will diminish with time. That’s why you should take care of your dishes every night before they get out of hand.